Giara Art Design is based in Agnosine, in the Province of Brescia, an area with an important heritage of craftsmanship in metals.
Valuable materials of medieval origin – such as Britannium – and metals of great value with a much older history – such as Bronze – are still molten and worked by hand, fully respecting the artisan tradition that is characteristic of the area, and which the staff at Giara Art Design wished to rediscover and utilise with passion and commitment. The raw material inspires the creation of the product: in its shape; in the unpainted natural colours; in the chosen production process. That which arises from the material becomes an accessory for quality furnishing, where comfort and sustainability contribute to obtaining true modern luxury.
意大利文藝復興古典質樸風格,以傳統手工藝生產, 飾面隨年月自然美化,歐美大宅首選。